Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Monday, August 29, 2011

NEW Photos from my Honolulu to San Francisco trip

I added at least 50 new photos over the last couple days to my photo album from this trip.  Some really cool ones from crew of the SSV Robert C. Seamans, the ship that gave us some water in the middle of the ocean.  Here's just one.
Dennis, Captain Doug, Barbara at the helm, and Jason
And lots from my Captain and other crew mates also........  great photos - THANKS GUYS!

Photos posted in the photos section of this blog.

Here's the trip shown on a global scale.............

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sailing in the Sunshine on a Thistle named Sunshine

Try saying that five times........
I went sailing this beautiful Sunday afternoon with Chuck on Commencement Bay (near Tacoma WA) in his 17 foot Thistle. What a cute little boat; very fun to sail.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last SSSS summer race on Vintage last night

So the summer racing season on Budd Bay is coming to an end.  Last night was the last of the Wednesday night PHRF races for this year.  We had a great race, and even better, a great time on Vintage.  THANKS to Myra (and Joe) for letting us crew on Vintage for the races.
Sandy, Linda, Myra, Barbara, Annie, and Susie

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sailing in Budd Bay

Back to sailing in calm waters in Budd Bay.

Last Monday, I crewed for John on Jazz in the Star races, and on Wednesday I was crewing for Myra on Vintage (Ranger 33) in the SSSS race. There was next to no wind at race time and we were all just floating around. But just before the cutoff time (7:30pm), the wind picked up and we there was a race afterall; not a very fast one, but we were sailing.

Sunday was a leisurely afternoon sail with Debra on her Newport 30, Liberte.

This week, Monday is Stars sailing; I think I might even sail in the race with Steve crewing for me.
And Wednesday is another evening SSSS race on Vintage.  Only a couple more of these left in the summer season.