Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, July 3, 2011

On my way to San Francisco, by way of Honolulu

Only one more sleep!  That is if I can sleep tonight. - My flight is early tomorrow morning (Monday, the 4th of July) and by mid-day I will be in sunny Honolulu. Okay, I won't rub that in too much, especially because I will only be there a couple of days, and I don't think I am going to get a chance to lay by the beach!  We will be busy provisioning and getting settled on the boat.  We hope to leave on Wednesday, the 6th.  And I wish I could say we are going to be in sunny weather the whole way back (seems to be what most people think) but we are going to be in the north pacific, not the south pacific, and not near the equator, think chilly.  So that means I will probably be spending more time in multiple layers and foul weather gear than not.  I hope to update this blog at least one more time before we leave Honolulu.

Here is some information on how to check on my progress for the trip. At any time, once we are en route, just click this link: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0Iickm7OXYf5ncqm2Cn4gf3o4sj0UQkqh
  -- that's it. You should see a map with our route tracked.  (if you do this now, you’ll see their tracks from the San Francisco to Hawaii trip).  Some of them will be position reports and others will have brief messages.

I will not be able to post to the blog during the trip, only the “spot” messages above, but I will write up some stuff upon my return.  Cheers!  See you in a few weeks.

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