Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Sail Race for 2012

Yesterday was the first Sail Race of the South Sound Sailing Society's Inlet Series.  It was a relatively short course of 11.1 miles to Flapjack Point in Eld Inlet and back.  Despite the forecast for snow, there were lots of boats out ready to race.  And boy did we sail...... the winds were fluky but pretty constant (10-15? with gusts of more? - I wish I was better at judging the wind speeds) for the entire race (except of course at the turning mark where they got extremely light).  I was crewing for Joel on Maranatha, a Ranger 33.  I was the newbie crew on this boat and was sailing along with Sandy, John, and Webb.  I wanted to take a photo of the skipper and crew, but my phone was not cooperating, so maybe next time.  It rained most of the first half of the race, but just a steady light rain.  Then it started clearing up a bit to the north.  However, as we were putting the boat away it started raining again and harder, then snowing, then the skies cleared and the sun appeared.

Thanks Joel and the Maranatha crew for a great day on the water!

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