Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend on the Water

We found Mary C.  Well actually she wasn't lost (she would never get lost on the water) but she probably wants to be.  Anyway, Terri and I left on Saturday morning from Swantown Marina on her Catalina 30, Gratitude, in search of Mary.  We headed north towards the Narrows.  We sailed for a few hours from McNeil Island to the Narrows Bridge, and then headed into Gig Harbor to check it out. As always there were quite a few boats already at anchor. Our first attempt put us way too close to another boat, so we weighed anchor and moved forward.  (Terri really needs to get an anchor windlass…..)  The second try was good although we were a little concerned about being close to another sailboat.  We finally got their attention and they were not concerned, so we stayed put . My back and hamstrings were thanking me…..
We found Mary that evening in Gig Harbor, or rather, she found us at anchor there.  (Okay, so she may have given me a few hints about where to find them…)  They came over in the dinghy and we went to the Tides for a beer with them.  They have been out cruising for a couple weeks and were looking forward to some Tides Tavern food.  
The next day Terri and I headed for Filucy Bay for Sunday night.  We found lots of room there and dropped the anchor in about 25 feet of water.  First time was a charm there (whew).  We rowed over to the Longbranch Marina, or I should say Terri rowed us over there and back, to check out the facilities (hey, I was the human anchor windlass); she hadn't been there before.  The way there was upwind, and the trip back was downwind.

Lots of sun all weekend.  We left Filucy Bay on Monday morning and motored back to Olympia.  We tried sailing for about an hour, but there just wasn't enough wind to make it worth keeping the sails up.

Great weekend on the water!

This tug was heading north; see the sailboat on the aft 'deck'; very cool.

Terri was trying to get better sail shape but notice the smooth water.
Okay, just posing on the bow.

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