Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Star sailing season officially over here

The Star sailing for 2011 is over; has been for some time actually for me.  I just go so busy after my July trip that I didn't get out much after that.  I did have a blast whenever I did, and learned alot.

Yesterday was boat bottom cleaning in preparation for the haul out, for me at least.  This is best done laying on the boat or from the dock with a long handle brush.  It has been a while since I have cleaned it, wonder how much growth there is.

Oops, I realized later in the day yesterday that I hadn't cleaned the keel or rudder, so I did that today before #31 got moved over to the staging area for haulout.  Today they hauled the boats out of the water at West Bay Marina so I was helping move boats, etc.  I think I heard there were 20 boats being taken out, so the photos below are only about half of them.  The crane that was used and with all the people helping, I think all the boats were out of the water by 1:30 (started at noon).  Norm and Bill kept the process moving quickly and everyone pitched in to get it done quickly.
Taken from Tugboat Annie's - I was having breakfast while they were waiting for the crane to get there.

Susan, Derek, John, and a couple others taking the mast off of 02-Jazz, John's boat

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