Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 'Cruise' with SSSS at Longbranch Marina

Terri and I left Saturday on her boat Gratitude headed to meet other South Sound Sailing Society sailors at the Longbranch Marina for the annual Halloween Party.  It was a gorgeous fall day with sunshine the whole day.  This also happen to mean no wind so we motored the whole way, about 2.5 hours.

After we got tucked into our spot at the marina, which was a bit tricky the way we were all rafted together, we had a snack and then began to socialize. The party was at 6pm.  It took us a bit longer to get into our costumes, course the constant laughing at each other caused it to take even longer.  I know there will be photos posted on the SSSS site sometime, but here is one I had taken of us.  I hope the others are better of me.  We were Sea Sprites, sort of like water fairies.

Today, after a great waffle and sausage breakfast hosted by SSSS, we headed back with drizzling rain and fog off in the distance.  We hoisted sails after motoring out of the bay and the wind had picked up.  We sailed for at least an hour maybe longer and were tacking back and forth in Dana Passage.
Then after a short starboard tack, Terri wanted to turn back out of the center of channel because the tide was still going out.  Right after we tacked from starboard to port, I looked up to see if the sails were trimmed properly and noticed the upper part of the mast was extremely bent.  Then we noticed that the port shroud and boot were no longer attached to the end of the spreader.  We tacked back fast to a starboard tack to get the pressure off the sails.  Then we furled in the jib quickly and dropped the main shortly thereafter.  Yikes, that could have really been a lot worse if the wind had been any stronger.

Here's one photo of the sea sprites:  (I hope the ones others took were better than this one.....)
This second might be a bit better; we picked a sailor walking by to pose with us.  Thanks Steve.

Koosah all decorated for Halloween.
Some photos below taken by Thera Black on the trip back from Longbranch, and before the shroud parted from the port spreader.

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