Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Herron Island Race - We Finished!

So normally finishing a race isn't a big deal, and with good winds is a given.  But with light winds all day and adverse current conditions in Dana Passage, and as we neared the south end of Herron Island, it is quite an accomplishment.  Many boats dropped out due to the slow, agonizing conditions of tacking and sliding backwards with the current.  Sometimes there just wasn't enough wind to get through it.  But not Rushwind's skipper Ken.  Oh no he was determined to get to the committee boat, and with just a great all around attitude as a skipper and sailing, it was hard to whine too much.  Although when we we made a loop in Dana Passage (see photo below), and then our zigzagging the last couple hours (we were so close but just couldn't head straight to the finish for long), a couple of us probably would have voted to turn back sooner..........
We finished about 7:40 pm in the dark; the race started at 10 am............  It was a long, chilly day.  Ken made us some soup and bread, we all contributed other snacks we still had, as we motored back (more than 2 hours) and we took shifts eating.  Crew was Erik, Ruth, Wendy & Ken, and me.  Great company, lots of laughs, and lots of practice tacking!  The ride back was actually quite pleasant, clear sky, bright moon, and lots of stars.

Thank goodness it didn't rain at all.  And thankfully, my hot water tank didn't fail me either; long hot bubble bath to end the day was wonderful!

Next race, is Squaxin Island on the 19th.  I told Ken if it or any of the races, it was snowing and blowing, I'm not going!  And I was accused of being spoiled by Erik from spending too much time sailing in Mexico or Hawaii lately.

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