Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hope Island SSSS 'cruise' weekend

Oh, the weather outside was frightful........ so we decided not to go to Hope Island on Saturday.  There were gale force winds predicted on the VHF weather channel and the gathering spot on the NW side of the island didn't sound like a good place to be.  We were rocking quite a bit just at the marina.  So we hung out there and pretended we were cruising.... waiting for a better weather window before leaving and making the best of it by inviting good friends over for dinner and drink.  We also had lots of laughs, Mary, Mike, Joel, and I; so glad I got to visit with Mary before she heads back to Mexico and warm weather sailing (I am envious).

The weather was much better on Sunday and so we headed north, not too far behind Terri and Val.  We sailed for a couple hours and it was very enjoyable, although cool.  We rafted up with them and Dave and Micky pn a mooring buoy and made plans for a 6pm dinner.  We were also joined by some new SSSS members, John and Kathleen.  Again, good food, great company, and lots of laughs.  We had a quiet night on the mooring buoy.

Today, Monday, we borrowed Dave and Micky's dinghy and rowed to shore to take a hike around the island.  It was drizzly most of the day and we left Hope Island around 2 pm.  There was next to no wind so we motored back to Percival Landing to put the boat away for now.

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