Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Toliva Shoals Race - February 11, 2012

Better than expected.....  We had a great day on south Puget Sound even if we didn't race the entire course.  The race committee shortened it to around 30 nm (at Johnson Point) instead of the full 37.4 race course. The winds were getting light and they probably wanted everyone to have a chance to finish the race.  I was crewing on Maranatha (Ranger 33) with Skipper Joel, and Sandy, Matt, Webb, and John as fellow crew mates.  There was pretty consistent winds the entire time (8-10?+- kn), and I have the usual bruises to prove it............  It was cloudy and overcast all day, but relatively warm, around 50.  It only started to rain on us right after we finished.  We managed to get the sails put away before they got wet.

We placed 3rd out of 15 for our class so that was an additional reward for a great day on the water.  It wasn't sunshine and fast like 2011, but we certainly didn't spend any time just drifting around either.  I think there were 77 boats in all that were out there racing, and I hope they all had a great time.
Maranatha is the small boat in the middle - not as close as it looked...... thank goodness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a great race and thanks to stellar crew work we had an excellent finish. The back and forth lead changes with Vintage (another Ranger 33) kept my concentration up and was fun competition.