Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Friday, May 20, 2011

Another Star Sailing today

Today was another 'practice' day for me with sailing the Star #31. Jim (the owner of the boat) was kind enough to take me out again for a couple hours, and answer questions for me about the idiosyncrasies of Stars.  We had some good wind to start with and then it lightened up a bit.  It was nice and warm with plenty of sunshine too!  He was also showing me how to sail the boat with out using the tiller.  We tied it off and used only the sails to steer the boat. That makes 3 times in the last week, sailing on a Star.  I feel like I'm ready to take others out on the boat now, and am really looking forward to it.  This is going to be a great sailing season!

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