Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stars Race Committee Boat

Instead of going sailing, what's the next best thing?  Watching others sail in a race sounds good to me.  I haven't been in a Stars race, so I thought I'd see what it looks like from the committee boat.  And since I didn't have crew lined up for the Monday night race, it especially sounded like a good idea to at least get out on the water.

So to get a different perspective on the races, I joined John and Susan for the race committee for the Stars races a couple days ago, Monday, the 23rd.  It was challenging for John to set the course to start with because the winds kept shifting, often a problem here in Budd Bay.  But he finally set one and we proceeded to have 4 races.  The second one we had a little confusion because we intended a general recall when so many boats were over early, but we put up the wrong flag, oops...... So after everyone came back, we got on with three more races, the last one being a race to the docks.  There were 16 boats out.  Darn, I should have taken some photos......

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