Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sailing a Star

With some desire to learn more about sailing smaller sailboats, I have chartered a Star from one of the South Sound Sailing Society (SSSS) members.  The owner, Jim, took me out once a couple weeks ago, but I have been too busy to get back out there.  I am anxious to get comfortable with sailing these boats, they are so quick compared to what I am used to sailing. (and I am not used to ducking from the boom....) It is hull #31 in the water at West Bay Marina in Olympia and I will be going out again as soon as I can.  They have Stars races on Mondays starting soon.

A Star is an Olympic class sailboat, 22 feet long with a 31 foot mast.  The main is big and the jib is small, comparatively speaking, to other 22 foot boats.  I have several non-sailing friends that would like to join me for a sail, but I think I need to go out with other sailors a few times to get comfortable with these boats first........  I know as soon as I get more time to get comfortable, it is going to be a lot of fun.

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