Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Regatta on a Star

I sailed on Jazz, a Star 22, with John for the SSSS Spring Regatta.  It was a pretty slow day, looking for wind, etc., but when we did get some breezes, we were gliding through smooth water.  It was a light turnout and there were less boats in the 2nd race than the first. We were a little unsure whether the committee was going to race again or not, some boats went back in to dock.  But we hung around and yes, there was another race.  It was a very enjoyable day on the water, some sun, no rain, but a little more wind would have been nice.
The most excitement was on the way back to the dock, sailing into West Bay Marina, the call came to take the main down, but yikes, I couldn't get it down. It was jammed at the masthead.  So he depowered the main and we sailed into the dock.  John prepared the mast to be removed, and after help came, he and Norm got the mast out of the boat and down on the dock.  We got the main off the mast and rolled it up, that's about the time it started to rain.
We were racing in the PHRF class, only one other star out.  I'm not sure how we did because the results haven't been posted yet.  My first race in a Star, thanks John.

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