Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Monday, May 30, 2011

WOW - Weekend on the Water - Memorial Day Weekend with the SSSS cruisers

We didn't get much sailing in, but I joined Terri on her boat with she and her son, Trevor.  We left on Friday afternoon and headed to the Penrose Point State Park. We rafted up with Glen and Irene on Sassy for two nights, and then had the mooring ball to ourselves last night.  There were maybe 12-15 (??) boats for the SSSS Memorial Day weekend cruise. There was a great potluck with lotsa pasta dishes, and plenty of other good food too.  It had been a pretty sunny day Saturday, but it was cooling off fast and the wind was picking up for the evening.  Without a dinghy we were a bit 'handicapped' and if anyone has a dinghy for sale, you might contact Terri..... but thanks to Sassy and others, we were able to get off the boat some.  I actually enjoy just relaxing on the boat, reading, etc., but it's not for everyone; can anyone say 'teenager on board'.....?
We had a great time, lots of laughs, and I got back in plenty of time Monday to shower up and get ready to for a sailing practice on Vintage this afternoon.  THANKS for a great weekend Terri.

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