Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Last Sail Race in Olympia for a while

Last night (Wed.) was another race for me on Vintage with Myra, Sandy, Annie, Linda, and Susie.  We had a great time, of course, and it will be probably be my last sailing here for a while.  Next week will be sailing of a different sort for me; no buoys to race around or boats to compete with, just a couple thousand miles of salt water.  I can hardly wait!

While we were getting the boat ready at the yacht club to leave for the race, I saw this large jellyfish; very cool.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Another sailing weekend - Friday Star sail; Sunday Star Clinic

Friday I took Alison out for her first sail on a Star.  We had good winds most of the time, although there was a time we would have to paddle back from quite a ways out.  But the winds didn't disappoint, they picked up more than enough for us to get back in.  And as always, I learned more lessons.  I just had to prove to myself that you can't sail a Star with just the jib alone (it's just too darn small).......  I was concerned that the wind was too strong so we took the main down before entering the marina - that was a mistake.  I tried a few things and nothing worked, the wind and tide was blowing us back out to sea, well it wasn't quite that bad.  But Alison hoisted the main again and we headed back to the entrance.  She did a great job her first time out and I think she may be hooked already!
11:30am - 2:30 pm
Alison in front of the Star; oops you can't see the Star in this photo.

Then Sunday was a Star Clinic put on by the SSSS club with John Thompson leading.  Alison joined me again.  The clinics are intended to help us learn on the water (duh), including racing strategy, etc.  John was in a small motor boat going around to the 4 Stars that were out instructing us on better sailing in the Stars.  The wind really died as we were all heading back in, it was a very slow downwind sail back to the marina........  Another great day on the water though.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tamara Lee Ann - arrived in Honolulu Saturday, 25th

Land Ho - Diamond Head - Aloha!
I received a text from one of the crew, Lorraine around 4:30 pm yesterday (Saturday, the 25th) that they were just 2 hours away from the Ko Olina Marina in Honolulu.  I was so excited to hear that they were near and all is well.  I am hoping to talk with Lorraine sometime soon to hear some of her stories!  Well, after she has a couple days to get used to land, etc.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sailing and more sailing

I was talking with someone recently about being boatless (just in between boats really) and she commented, "Oh, you must not get out sailing very much then."  Oh, quite the opposite I said.  I have been sailing more now than I ever used to (except when we took my boat Machrihanish to Mexico of course).
So I was curious and looked back at my calendar, and since February 1st of 2011 I have been on the water 37 times !! (usually sailing but a few motoring trips on sailboats too)   

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monday - Stars; Wednesday - Vintage

Monday evening was gorgeous out on the water with light winds, dying to almost nothing when we came back in.  Steve and I had a good sail (despite a little trouble leaving the marina - oops), sailing around in south Budd Bay, still not entering the races yet.  I am definitely getting more comfortable sailing the Star but okay with just time on the water and not racing.  Next week, Andrew, my son will be my crew!  I hope the wind is blowing stronger so that I can show him what sailing a Star can really be like.

Wednesday, (last night) was the last race of the first summer series, so there were burgers being served after the race at the Swantown Marina.  I crewed on Vintage again and as always had a great time.  There was some pretty good wind at times, and the boat has quite a bit of weather helm on starboard tack because the mast is not straight (on their list to fix soon).  Unfortunately there was a weak spot on one of the reef grommets because when we started with a reefed main, it ripped 6 inches or so. Thankfully, there was seam there that kept it from ripping any more.
Myra did a great job driving and hanging on, and not hitting anyone when they got close to us.  (what were they thinking - oh I know that is racing but still).  The burgers later were good, but there was such a high turnout they had a hard time keeping the burgers ready for all the hungry sailors.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tamara Lee Ann update -Half way to Hawaii

From their position reports, they are about half way to Hawaii, and all is well.  I wonder if they have had to tack yet...LOL, not likely. They reported 155 nm/day after 5 days, so my guess for their ETA is the 25th.  The winds look like they have been pretty consistent (up and down some, but always wind) and they are now out of their foulies. I am really looking forward to hearing about their trip first hand.  The link for their position report is:

Racing on Vintage - Wed. 15th

It was another exciting night of Wednesday night sail races on Vintage a few days ago; more wind than last week for sure.  We could have used some more weight on the boat to keep her level, but we all decided we needed to get more bodies because none of us want to gain weight just for ballast......  We finished first, but with corrected times, we came in 2nd, darn.
The crew this race was Sandy, Annie, Linda, myself, and of course, the skipper, Myra.  She was a little concerned about docking the boat in the stronger west winds, but with lots of room near the slip with the tide being high, and a slow entry, she did a great job docking.  Thanks again Myra!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bon Voyage to Tamara Lee Ann - My ship has sailed without me

This was the plan though.  I spent the weekend in San Francisco helping with some last minute preparations and provisioning for the outbound trip to Hawaii. It was tempting to just step aboard and join them......  Here are a few photos Sunday morning of their departure. They left about 8:30 am in very light winds and some high fog.  I hope they have a wonderful trip!  I'll be watching their voyage here, just click this link: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0Iickm7OXYf5ncqm2Cn4gf3o4sj0UQkqh

Tamara Lee Ann at the guest dock at the St. Frances Yacht Club in San Francisco

Poul, Lorraine, Doug (Skipper), Richard

Me and Jason from the return crew joined the outbound crew; the third return crew member, Dennis, couldn't join us but I know he was with us in spirit!

Leaving the marina

Passing Alcatraz Island

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hawaii or Bust - or is that San Francisco or Bust? July 2011 plans

If you are reading my blog, you probably already know about my plans for July. But maybe you don't....
Okay, so the plan in July is to pack as much as I can into two bags (including foul weather gear, yikes) and fly to Hawaii on July 4th.  Meet the skipper (Doug) and crew (Dennis) at the airport and head to the boat, a Celestial 48.  Meet Jason (other crew) at the boat.  Provision the boat with lots of good food and other necessary stuff and then find someplace to stow everything on the boat.  We plan to leave Hawaii on July 6th or shortly thereafter.........  Is it July yet?

The boat Tamara Lee Ann is scheduled to depart San Francisco on June 12th, oops did I say a departure was scheduled........  Anyway, I am flying down for a couple days on the 10th to see how the boat is and meet the outbound crew, Richard, Lorraine, and Poul.  I hope I get to see them actually sail off on Sunday..

To see their progress, I can "watch" them on this website

This will be the same way to "watch" my trip from Hawaii to San Francisco in July.  I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday night races on Vintage

June 2011 - the Wed. night summer races with South Sound Sailing Society started on June 1st and I have been recruited by Vintage, a Ranger 33 sailboat, owned by Myra (and Joe too!)  My crew mates are Linda, Joyce, Sandy, and Annie, and of course Myra.  I'm looking forward to getting to know Myra and her crew and enjoying some fun evening sailing races in Budd Bay.
We didn't do the first race last week so tonight will be our first week racing on Vintage.  I'll report back later how it goes. Let's just hope the weather cooperates, let there be sunshine and wind!  Well, at least wind then.

After the race:  There was enough wind to keep us moving but just barely sometimes.  I don't think we broke any records, and no one broken anything either.... which is good because we already have two injured crew members.  One fender overboard (oops that was me) successfully rescued (also me) on the way back in after the race..... All in all a great evening on the water.
Annie, Joyce, Sandy, and Myra

Stars and more Stars

Monday evening I went out with Steve and we had a great sail in the Star.  I was a little hesitant to go out because the wind was pretty good already but if it increased we might be overpowered.  I was asking the other skippers around what they thought, and yes, it was windy, would be okay if it didn't increase, if it did, just come back in.  And Steve just kept getting the boat ready and the next thing you know we were out there sailing!  I'm glad he didn't let me chicken out.  It was a bit gusty but was not too much. We didn't participate in the race and stayed south in the bay; boy, that ship at the Port sure looks BIG from up close. We sailed by Sunrisa at Martin Marina, but Mary was not on board. This time our departing went smoothly but the docking was a little tricky, more lessons learned......

Tuesday, last night, I was going to take a new sailor out, Alison.  She has only been sailing once before, a couple weeks ago on Mary C.'s boat, a Cascade 36; a big difference compared to the Star boats........... But, the wind was predicted to be stronger than last night and I decided it would be a lesson at the dock instead.  We spent a couple of hours at the dock going over the lines, hoisted the sails, etc. Several people asked if we really planned on going out because it was really 'gusty' out, including someone who just came in and said he saw a gust of 40. (that seemed a bit much but that is what he said).  So we made the right choice anyway and I think it was good for her to at least walk around the boat, pull some lines, etc. We are looking forward to actually getting out there and putting the rail in the water.  I don't think this gal will 'scare' easily............

Sunday, June 5, 2011

BBQ in Brinnon

Jeanne Rhynne and her Grace at the Homeport Marina in Brinnon, Washington - what a beautiful day for a BBQ.  She even had live music.  It was a wonderful afternoon in the sunshine.  I can hardly wait until I can sail on Grace.  She is a wooden boat, a 47 foot San Juan Sharpie and was built by Jeanne's dad in Maine.  Yes, I said Maine.  He passed away last year and she had it shipped here to the Northwest.  Grace will be on display at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend in September 2011.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life Sling Clinic - June 4th

GREAT class - Every year this is offered by the South Sound Sailing Society. I have been wanting to do this clinic for several years and for one reason or many, just haven't been able to.  I am really glad it worked out for this year.  There was some classroom instruction for a couple hours, then some "practice" at the dock, and then onto the water we went.  I was on Gratitude, Terri's Catalina 30, along with Judy, the instructor, Steve, the 'victim', and Marcy and her son Jacob, There was 3-4 other boats and 12-16(?) other participants also tossing and retrieving people from the water. The 'victims' were given survival suits for going into the water and with the warm sunshine, it sounded better and better to maybe have been a victim.  We each had a few challenges recovering him, but since the weather was so nice, our 'victim' sometimes seemed disappointed when we 'bothered' him and hoisted him aboard.  He said he was so relaxed floating out there in the warm sunshine, he was almost asleep...........   It was 75+ degrees and bright sunshine the entire afternoon. We had some pretty decent wind to start with but it decreased as the afternoon progressed making it tougher and tougher to sail back to the victim.   ***** Have lifesling, will rescue.  *****
Thanks for the photo Terri!  Steve, our victim in the orange "gumby" suit is getting ready to slip into the water (he really should be more careful, this was the 2nd time already today), me at the helm, and Judy, our instructor for the afternoon.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wild Wet Sailing

What a ride!  This evening I crewed for John in Jazz, a Star boat, in the Wednesday night summer PHRF racing. (Vintage wasn't going out after all.)  We had a few challenges leaving the marina when a fellow sailor who had been left behind wanted a ride out to his boat. The winds were breezy (10-15 w/gusts) and we quickly caught up with the boat to transfer him.  Although we thought about keeping him because we might need the extra weight with the winds being as strong as they were.
Anyway, we were in for a wild, wet ride of a race, and it didn't rain!  We had the rail in the water most of the time upwind, and I was standing on the leeward coaming, (don't quite have the hang of using the hiking straps yet.) We did two laps of the race course and then got the gun.  The boats that finished after us owed us time, so we think we won.  Course, the official results will be posted later/tomorrow, etc.
The boat had a few inches of water inside but a pump and sponge quickly took care of that.  I had my foul weather gear on, except maybe I should have put my boots on after all...........

Thanks for a great race John!

Another Star sailing

So Tuesday evening I took a newbie, Steve, out sailing on a Star but we didn't participate in the races.  (I am still not ready to be in close quarters with other star sailors.........) We waited til all the racers left and then made our exit. It was definitely tricky because the wind tried blowing us back into the dock, well, not just tried, but did. So we used the dock lines to maneuver our way out and from then on it was a very pleasant sail with no rain.. yeay.  The winds were light which was good for learning and trying things.  Steve did a great job at noticing things and asking questions (oops, I'd forgotten things...), driving some, putting the pole up, and generally getting comfortable sailing the Star.  We made up for the messy departure with a smooth sail back into the marina, the main dropped nicely and we slid slowly to the dock.  All in all a great evening on the water.  Thanks Steve.