Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hawaii or Bust - or is that San Francisco or Bust? July 2011 plans

If you are reading my blog, you probably already know about my plans for July. But maybe you don't....
Okay, so the plan in July is to pack as much as I can into two bags (including foul weather gear, yikes) and fly to Hawaii on July 4th.  Meet the skipper (Doug) and crew (Dennis) at the airport and head to the boat, a Celestial 48.  Meet Jason (other crew) at the boat.  Provision the boat with lots of good food and other necessary stuff and then find someplace to stow everything on the boat.  We plan to leave Hawaii on July 6th or shortly thereafter.........  Is it July yet?

The boat Tamara Lee Ann is scheduled to depart San Francisco on June 12th, oops did I say a departure was scheduled........  Anyway, I am flying down for a couple days on the 10th to see how the boat is and meet the outbound crew, Richard, Lorraine, and Poul.  I hope I get to see them actually sail off on Sunday..

To see their progress, I can "watch" them on this website

This will be the same way to "watch" my trip from Hawaii to San Francisco in July.  I'll keep you posted.

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