Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday night races on Vintage

June 2011 - the Wed. night summer races with South Sound Sailing Society started on June 1st and I have been recruited by Vintage, a Ranger 33 sailboat, owned by Myra (and Joe too!)  My crew mates are Linda, Joyce, Sandy, and Annie, and of course Myra.  I'm looking forward to getting to know Myra and her crew and enjoying some fun evening sailing races in Budd Bay.
We didn't do the first race last week so tonight will be our first week racing on Vintage.  I'll report back later how it goes. Let's just hope the weather cooperates, let there be sunshine and wind!  Well, at least wind then.

After the race:  There was enough wind to keep us moving but just barely sometimes.  I don't think we broke any records, and no one broken anything either.... which is good because we already have two injured crew members.  One fender overboard (oops that was me) successfully rescued (also me) on the way back in after the race..... All in all a great evening on the water.
Annie, Joyce, Sandy, and Myra

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