Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wild Wet Sailing

What a ride!  This evening I crewed for John in Jazz, a Star boat, in the Wednesday night summer PHRF racing. (Vintage wasn't going out after all.)  We had a few challenges leaving the marina when a fellow sailor who had been left behind wanted a ride out to his boat. The winds were breezy (10-15 w/gusts) and we quickly caught up with the boat to transfer him.  Although we thought about keeping him because we might need the extra weight with the winds being as strong as they were.
Anyway, we were in for a wild, wet ride of a race, and it didn't rain!  We had the rail in the water most of the time upwind, and I was standing on the leeward coaming, (don't quite have the hang of using the hiking straps yet.) We did two laps of the race course and then got the gun.  The boats that finished after us owed us time, so we think we won.  Course, the official results will be posted later/tomorrow, etc.
The boat had a few inches of water inside but a pump and sponge quickly took care of that.  I had my foul weather gear on, except maybe I should have put my boots on after all...........

Thanks for a great race John!

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