Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stars and more Stars

Monday evening I went out with Steve and we had a great sail in the Star.  I was a little hesitant to go out because the wind was pretty good already but if it increased we might be overpowered.  I was asking the other skippers around what they thought, and yes, it was windy, would be okay if it didn't increase, if it did, just come back in.  And Steve just kept getting the boat ready and the next thing you know we were out there sailing!  I'm glad he didn't let me chicken out.  It was a bit gusty but was not too much. We didn't participate in the race and stayed south in the bay; boy, that ship at the Port sure looks BIG from up close. We sailed by Sunrisa at Martin Marina, but Mary was not on board. This time our departing went smoothly but the docking was a little tricky, more lessons learned......

Tuesday, last night, I was going to take a new sailor out, Alison.  She has only been sailing once before, a couple weeks ago on Mary C.'s boat, a Cascade 36; a big difference compared to the Star boats........... But, the wind was predicted to be stronger than last night and I decided it would be a lesson at the dock instead.  We spent a couple of hours at the dock going over the lines, hoisted the sails, etc. Several people asked if we really planned on going out because it was really 'gusty' out, including someone who just came in and said he saw a gust of 40. (that seemed a bit much but that is what he said).  So we made the right choice anyway and I think it was good for her to at least walk around the boat, pull some lines, etc. We are looking forward to actually getting out there and putting the rail in the water.  I don't think this gal will 'scare' easily............

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