Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monday - Stars; Wednesday - Vintage

Monday evening was gorgeous out on the water with light winds, dying to almost nothing when we came back in.  Steve and I had a good sail (despite a little trouble leaving the marina - oops), sailing around in south Budd Bay, still not entering the races yet.  I am definitely getting more comfortable sailing the Star but okay with just time on the water and not racing.  Next week, Andrew, my son will be my crew!  I hope the wind is blowing stronger so that I can show him what sailing a Star can really be like.

Wednesday, (last night) was the last race of the first summer series, so there were burgers being served after the race at the Swantown Marina.  I crewed on Vintage again and as always had a great time.  There was some pretty good wind at times, and the boat has quite a bit of weather helm on starboard tack because the mast is not straight (on their list to fix soon).  Unfortunately there was a weak spot on one of the reef grommets because when we started with a reefed main, it ripped 6 inches or so. Thankfully, there was seam there that kept it from ripping any more.
Myra did a great job driving and hanging on, and not hitting anyone when they got close to us.  (what were they thinking - oh I know that is racing but still).  The burgers later were good, but there was such a high turnout they had a hard time keeping the burgers ready for all the hungry sailors.

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