Favorite saying:

"You can teach a person how to sail, but you can't teach them why."

Monday, June 27, 2011

Another sailing weekend - Friday Star sail; Sunday Star Clinic

Friday I took Alison out for her first sail on a Star.  We had good winds most of the time, although there was a time we would have to paddle back from quite a ways out.  But the winds didn't disappoint, they picked up more than enough for us to get back in.  And as always, I learned more lessons.  I just had to prove to myself that you can't sail a Star with just the jib alone (it's just too darn small).......  I was concerned that the wind was too strong so we took the main down before entering the marina - that was a mistake.  I tried a few things and nothing worked, the wind and tide was blowing us back out to sea, well it wasn't quite that bad.  But Alison hoisted the main again and we headed back to the entrance.  She did a great job her first time out and I think she may be hooked already!
11:30am - 2:30 pm
Alison in front of the Star; oops you can't see the Star in this photo.

Then Sunday was a Star Clinic put on by the SSSS club with John Thompson leading.  Alison joined me again.  The clinics are intended to help us learn on the water (duh), including racing strategy, etc.  John was in a small motor boat going around to the 4 Stars that were out instructing us on better sailing in the Stars.  The wind really died as we were all heading back in, it was a very slow downwind sail back to the marina........  Another great day on the water though.

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